Berlin State Of Mind – Premiere – 26.04.2014 – Kino Eiszeit

A Berlin State Of Mind is a documentary about four different people and their stories while living in Berlin Kreuzberg. The protagonists are accompanied by director Boris Saposchnikow during their everyday life. With interviews he draws a colorful picture of the multicultural district and its extraordinary inhabitants.

Sil-Yan conquers the German club & hiphop scene as DJ Craft, while the 103 years old Elfriede shares her life experience. Despite being wheelchair-dependent, Hans-Georg is still politically revolting and Yasin gets into a dispute with the controversial Thilo Sarrazin.
Via the intimate angle of the film camera observing the protagonists, A Berlin State Of Mind leads to different places of Kreuzberg and mediates the attitude of life, contradiction and development of this unique microcosm.

As a result of two years of work since 2012, this documentary developed into a professional and elaborate film. The shots, editing and extra produced film score are combined to a portrait, an homage, a critic, a proof of love and entertainment as well as a warning signal for the collapse of a myth. Produced with no budget, director Saposchnikow is responsible for the production, direction, editing as well as the film score. Grzegorz Olszowka (works for WASSBASS, K.I.Z., Prinz Pi) and Kev Beats X KS Beats (K.I.Z., Mach One) supported him with the score.